Sunday, 29 May 2011

I've written about herbs on a new site.

Lovage and sorrel are my first topics on Wizzley, a new writers platform.
Please take a look and join if you wish.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

I've finally finished pruning the bay tree.

The poor old bay tree is now unrecognisable from the 2010 tree- all wood and no leaves.
Nature bounces back though, so I hope that my herb garden will soon have its green bay tree back at its heart.
If it ever stops raining I'll take a picture of the bay tree now, hoping that I'll have impressive "before and after" pictures soon.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

What to do with all that lovage?

We have a lot of  lovage right now in the herb garden. We find it grows very easily at White Moss House.
If you have lovage in your herb garden, and don't know what to do with it, your can find tips and recipes for using lovage right here.

It has the taste of celery, and we love lovage sprinkled over new potatoes or added to any chicken dish.

The bay tree which was so badly damaged by the frost this winter, has been pruned hard back as advised by Monty Don on Gardeners World last week. It looks terrible now, but hopefully will look much better in a few weeks. I'm going to take "before and after" photos so you can see.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

I must buy this great new herb recipe book

I've just come across a book that is written by two of my favourite people.
Jekka McVicar, herb goddess, and Jamie Oliver, all round great foodster, have combined to write a book about cooking with herbs, which you can find on How to grow and use sage, a new article I've written about- well ,yes, sage!
Put this book in your basket and be inspired!