Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The summer is over- did it ever begin?

Time to clear out the tubs. The fuschia are still looking OK, but everything else seems to have been battered by the wind and rain.

Lots of apples have come down in last week's winds. We've made a batch of apple butter with the really rough apples. You don't need to peel the apples for this.Apple butter is actually a sort of paste or spread, made with apples, cider , sugar and spices. Yummy!
 I'm going to make a batch of apple and date chutney tomorrow.
I'm also planning to make our very own blackberry and apple crumble, also known as "Apple Grasmere" by us at White Moss House.
If you want to find the recipe for apple butter, plus lots of great link to other apple recipes, you can find them via my apple recipe page.